Tuesday, October 5, 2021


All creation is Yaweh's one Kingdom. To be a creature in the world is to be a part of His Kingdom and under His rule. To be a human being in the world is to be dependent on and responsible to Him. To proudly deny that fact is the root of all wickedness - the wickedness that now pervades the world. Jesus said 'I am the Truth', not I am politically corect'. No greater statement can be made in public than; ' I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AS MY LORD AND SAVIOR'.

Jesus is The Way.

Jesus was crucified. He died. He rose again. and was seen by many. Roman history says He walked the earth. The Jewish Talmud on the Alters of the Synagogues of the world say He walked the earth. In the Gospel of John Jesus tells us who He is in His own words. Jn. 14:6 ; 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life'. All other religions, Buda, Mohamed, all others, their leaders are dead in their graves. Jesus reins in the Kingdom of Heaven at the right hand of the Father. Just say - 'Lord Jesus come into my heart, I make You my Lord and Savior'. You will find Love, Joy, Peace, of Jesus. You will be saved.

Statement of Faith

1] All of Jesus' Words. 2] The rest of the Bible.

Sunday, November 25, 2012